Here's something I'd love to use. It is awesomely rusty, but that would mean no more backyard fires. Maybe I'll just scrape off some rusty bits instead.
My Journey through the worlds of art quilts, oils, acrylics, pastels, watercolors, printmaking, dyeing, encautic, art cloth, spinning, and weaving. Also sharing stories of the rescue dogs I've known and loved.
Here's something I'd love to use. It is awesomely rusty, but that would mean no more backyard fires. Maybe I'll just scrape off some rusty bits instead.
These look like fun...can't wait to see how they all turn out!
Congrats on your 100th post!
Gisela, could you wrap some prepared fabric around the little fire-pit and rust it that way? You could tie it on, like a big ole' hunk of shibori! Oooooh, I'm jealous! ;^)
Many congrats on your 100th post. One of these day, I will set up a blog....I will set up a blog.....I will set up a blog.....if I say it often enough, I may even do it.
Anne Marie - Toronto
Rust dyeing is addictively fun...can't wait to see how they all turn out - and I'm TOTALLY jealous of all of those FABULOUS keys!!!!! What a treasure.
Congrats on your 100th!
The keys will make great impressions.
keep on rusting.
Wow Gisela! 100 posts is a milestone.
I do hope you are giving away some rusted keys fabric. I am just re-rusting my first try at rust dying. It is adictive. I need to look for smaller objects. BTW, the fire pit would be missing a section at least off season. I can see wonderful patterns.
Enjoy the journey,
PS. Now comes the hard part=matching the letters.
I love Rust too. never imagined that it would be so addictive, but now I need to do something with all the rusty pieces I have created!
Congratulations on 100 posts!
I enjoy reading about how you dye fabric, but have not yet tried it myself.
I think I would have to wrap the fire pit with a few yards of fabric and forgo the evening fires for just a few days. That is too wonderful of a design to let it sit there un-used! LOL
How fun! I can't wait to see the results of your rusting!
The keys are a great object to use, look forward to see the end result.
I can't wait to see the key fabric. I'll bet it turns out great. I love seeing what you come up with. : )
I also love to do rust dying. You were so luckey to get all those keys, Thanks, pinpalanita
What is Cataan's? i love the items I see you rusting with.....and congrats on your 100th post, lucky me!
Congratulations on your 100th post! Good luck with your journal quilt entry. If it's anything like the lovely fabric you've been creating, you'll do just fine.
Congratulations on your 100th post. I have been following your rusting and can't wait to see what happens. I have never tried it but do have lots of interesting rusted items waiting to be cleaned including a lovely collection of keys.....mmmmm think I'll have to try some rusting....Shirley
Congrats on 100th post!
I love rusted fabric and it looks like you get great results! Please be sure to post your latest results.
It's the middle of summer, who needs a fire.. I say rust away!
Congrats on your 100th post. My 100th is coming up soon as well.
Waaaa-hooo! I won a piece of rusted fabric! Thank you Gisela! (I saw a little rusty fireplace sitting on the curb on my street last week, and thought of yours ... ooooooo how I wanted to stop and pick it up .... but no room in the trunk, and by the time I came back for it, it was gone! Boo-hoo. But your giftie makes up for it! Thank you thank you!
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