I realized last week that i still had dye to use, but had to put everything away to clean house for company. Now, THAT really is something new! (the cleaning part, not having guests...) Cleaning in summer is sporadic at best -- no time -- to much else to do!
I don't know how good the dye will take, but that's okay. I can batik, stamp and over dye.
Did this one hanging in the tub. (not me -- the fabric) Might make a cool sunset if the color keeps.
Then I realized that I was missing all these great splatters...
Not to worry -- had more fabric soaking in soda ash.
Did this one last. Only had Chinese Red and black dye left.
Yikes! Can you say Norman Bates? Luckily, I had lots of Soft Scrub that I got for discharging and it all cleaned up real nice. It really marbled in a cool way though... :)

Some more work on the mural.
Now I'm dog-tired...