Terrible morning here. Most of you know that I volunteer foster for Small Paws Bichon Rescue. Yesterday one of the bichons was pulled from a shelter and the vet says it appears to have been used as a bait dog for dog fighting. A bichon. As a bait dog.
Our director, Robin, says it's the first time in over 10,000 rescued bichons that we've had this. This little boy is only 2 and SPR has named him Paddy. He has to have an eye removed and has many injuries and possibly a broken leg.
I can't even wrap my head around what kind of monster could could do
this and I can't stop the tears this morning. If any of you can help
please make a donation to Small Paws, I would be so grateful. SPR is a
501C, funded entirely on donations.
Please help if you can ---

Please help if you can ---
I saw this in the Small Paws Rescue and to tell the truth I had to close out the email the first time. SO sad...what do these people think!!!! I hope he gets well soon and someone adopts him...he deserves a good life!!!
He's going to be okay Robbie. He's had his eye removed, been fixed and his wounds are being treated. He's very scared, but grateful to be safe and giving lots of kisses to his caregivers. He has a foster family all set to take him in. I imagine healing the wounds we can't see will take a little longer but no one will ever hurt him again!
Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
Finger Cot
Keep Posting:)
OMG...I hate hearing/seeing these stories but folks need to know this occurs on a daily basis...so a cruel fate for these dogs that don't get rescued. How can there be monsters around that do this. I have donated before to Small Paws (quilts for your auction, etc.) and my Amazon account donates to Small Paws. Glad Paddy has a foster family ready to give him the love he so deserves.
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