Currants from the garden soaking in vodka. There weren't enough to make jelly or wine. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

These may be a little harder to skewer than the other fruits I've made into schnapps...
Not quite what I was trying for, but it's okay.
I'm hoping that washing will get rid of those kind of greasy-looking places around where the wax was.
Your hand dyed fabrics are terrific! I found you while surfing the web and thought that you might be interested in my internet group, Fiber Art Traders. I sent you an invite if you are interested.
Sincerely, Normajean Brevik
Hi Gisela,
I saw the post from you to Phyllis on the machine needle felting posts. I wondered whether you had ever tried African Batik. It's very simple you just make a paste with flour and water and use that instead of wax. You have to wait till it dries hard. You can crackle it before you colour your fabric too, just by scrunching it up. You do have to paint the colour on as I don't think that the flour would stay put in a vat. I've used this method quite succesfully in the past and it is great to do with children as it is a lot safer than hot wax. I just thought I would let you know about the technique incase you hadn't heard of it. I love your patterns on your fabrics that you have here, they are great. Good Luck with the Batik. Regards Tricia
Your pieces are gorgeous and vibrant! Not a bad first time out on a very intricate process. Can't wait to see what you make!
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