I started in the kitchen sink -- hot water, a little soap, agitation.
Did it again.
Nothing again.
Decided to try the washing machine. Threw it in a pillowcase and tossed it in the washer.
5 minutes...nothing.
10 minutes---YIKES!!!!
Before felting it reached my shoulder -- it almost reached my armpits, for cryin' out loud!
It was THAT big!
Now it doesn't even reach my ears. :(
I had to really yank on it to get it over any part of my head...

Look, I'm a garden gnome! Ackkk!

Alex got a good laugh out of it when she picked up Buck.
She said it looks like a dunce cap.
Also that I could fill it with felted fruit and use it as a cornucopia.
Or put a handle on it an make a really ugly-shaped purse.
Or cut it up into smaller purses -- I have some of this yarn left to make felted handles...

Felting definitely has a mind of its own! I've had mixed results when it comes to the wet felting - either it turns out great or I just kind of stand there and give it a dirty look when its done. Its still cute! You could really go all out with it and put a pom pom on the tip of it so it will flop over. :) You could always re-purpose the felt into an art quilt too. It sill has a lot of possibilities.
Why don't you pull the point down and attach it to the lower part and see what that looks like, you look cute in it hehehheeeee
I love it! I love it that you are prepared to be self mocking and the hat has so many possibilities, such as, ahm, well, loads, like erm, let me think now...
Well, the colours are lovely anyway!
It could become so many things, a background for something beachy, a bag, I use lots of woolly bits for card making.
Yep, perfect for playing a part in a Harry Potter movie....
Great Hats!!!!
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