TJay got me a new toy for Xmas -- a Janome Xpression needle-felting machine. This thing is so much fun!

My first effort. A scarf from 3 kinds of wool roving, organza, angelina and silk. I did some free motion quilting on it too.
It's itchyStarted a wall hanging of the old Presque Isle light in Michigan. Hmmm -- so far it looks like a nuclear plant...
Loved the picture of your scarf. I got a needle felting machine last year and love it. It is additive. Have never tried silk roving. What base did you use for your scarf?
Juanita Olson
Not only is your blog interesting, but the photos are colorfully stunning! You said the scarf was itchy: The shorter the fibers, the more cut ends there are in the finished product, and the cut ends are what poke you and itch. Virgin wool has only one cut end so less poking. Not sure about the Angelina fibers (which I would love to experiment with), but I bet they are "cut" too. I learned this is true even with my own hair! After one uncomfortable FTX (field training exercise)in the Army when a helmet was worn all day, I made sure not to cut my hair until afterwards. Freshly cut ends of the longer ladies' hairs poke back into the scalp when squashed under those helmets!
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