Friday, January 25, 2008

Two Tops Done!

Yay! TJay and I both had a very productive day yesterday. I found a lovely batik to use for the borders and finished the top of the French Braid quilt - finally! Now comes the fun part of basting and quilting this behemoth... I'm afraid this baby is gonna require mass quantities of chocolate.
And...ta-da! TJay finished the sanding, staining and lacquering of the new coffee table top. OMG, it's so silky smooth, like a baby's bottom! The base will be done next week -- he's just making the doors now -- can't wait!

Looks pretty lumpy on the bed...there are 6 blankets/comforters underneath. Hey, it's been COLD here! LOL!

Poplar, Oak and Black Walnut. I think we'll need to have a lone star quilt on the wall behind the couch.. Oh Yeah!

1 comment:

Lynn Majidimehr said...

Both the quilt top and table top are awesome!