Friday, February 12, 2010

Slacker, slacker, slacker...

It's been 2 months since my last post -- yikes sounds like I'm going for Confession!
TJay and I drove my Mom up to Chicago to the German embassy. There was a great view, so I snapped some pictures while she was taking care of her business...until I got yelled at by security. I can't imagine why there's a rule against taking photos of the quite wonderful view...

It was a rainy day and the tops of the buildings were obscured in the low clouds.

Quilt that I made for my BFF Joe. Made TJay stand out in the snow to get a good pic.

Finally quilting our king-sized behemoth bed quilt.

See how teeny-tiny my Juki looks?
It's a good sized machine with a 9 inch harp. I would have lost my mind if I had tried to quilt this on a standard machine. As it is, TJay added a 3 x 4 foot extension at the back of my sewing table to hold the monster up. It's been a big PITA. I will never, never, ever let TJay pick out the batting again. It's an inch thick and I broke over 30 needles before I got my groove on FMQing this thing. Exhausting...

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