Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow-dyeing - Day 4 -- results

Fabrics from day 4.
These are on Dharma's cotton print cloth

I folded this one, just to see what would happen.

UV, Raspberry, teal and yellow in each corner.
I don't care for all the white on this piece, but the color parts are pretty interesting.
I see female and male reproductive parts all over this one.

Detail of above
Looks like an oil painting to me

#28 Sold
Brightest green and teal

#27 -- SOLD!

Snake or an arrow?

# 26 -- SOLD!

This looks kind of underwatery to me.

#25 -- SOLD
This must have been in the middle and picked up colors from every direction!

Detail of above

Another detail

Another multi-color

Detail of above

Red Raspberry and yellow

Love this one -- feels really festive to me.
Like I could wear it at Carnival...with feathers and beads

Detail of above
Another detail

#22 -sold
Multi color

Detail of above

#21 -- Sold
Another Multi

Detail of above

#20 -- SOLD
Love this piece. It almost glows.



Darcy Berg said...

Gisela, I love your fabrics. You have inspired me to try it myself before all our snow melts. I live in the Chicago area and you never know about the weather.

Did you fold some of your fabrics and scruch others?

Darcy Berg

Judi said...

your fabrics all turned out wonderfully.

Thanks for the comment on my velvet. I'm just getting back to snowdyeing and my washer broke so now I'm down for a little while.

queenopearls said...

STUNNING! Wow, I am loving your experiments and the fabulous colorations. Thank you!!!!

Norma Schlager said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

Jules Rushing said...

I love your work! Now I'm wishing for more snow in Texas so I can do this too! Question: does the snow go on before or after the dyes?

Luke Huynh said...

This wwas a lovely blog post